Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Herb of Happiness - Marjoram - WOW

Herb of Happiness - Marjoram - WOW
Origanum Majorana
Joy of the Mountains 
1. Marjoram is a bushy tender perennial that grows up to 1 foot in height. Its many branches have square stems and tiny oval gray-green leaves that may be fuzzy. Knot like buds borne on spikes open to form clusters of white or pink flowers. When in full bloom, marjoram branches and leaves are steam distilled to produce an essential oil with a warm, woody, spicy, slightly peppery and nutty aroma (pine and citrus flavors) that is calming and comforting.  It is native to Asia, but was naturalized in Europe where it was a favorite of the Greeks and Romans. The scent (fresh & herbaceous; warm, sweet and slightly woody) and properties are milder than the closely related and potentially overwhelming Oregano (Origanum vulgare).

2. Marjoram was known as the Herb of Happiness to the Romans (carried by the soldiers in small ceramic vials while they were out conquering the world and used both internally and externally for wounds and attitude adjustments) and Joy of the Mountains to the Greeks (used in celebrations and rituals for the passing of the elderly and the naming ceremonies). It was believed to increase longevity.  Listed in Dioscorides’ De Materia Medica (A.D. 78), Europe’s first authoritative guide to medicines that became the standard reference work for the herbal treatments for over 1.700 years.  It was listed in Hildegard’s Medicine, a compilation of early German Medicines by highly regarded Benedictine herbalist Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179).

3. The herb is  analgesic, antibacterial, antibiotic, antidepressant, anti-fungal, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antispasmodic, antiseptic, antiviral, blood pressure stabilizer, calmative, digestive stimulant, disinfectant, expectorant, mucolytic, neurotonic, promotes intestinal peristalsis, sedative, stimulant, vasodilator.

4. Marjoram is one of those antiviral oils that give you a bonus in that it also kills bacterial infections, so if you are unsure as to what you have or what you are recovering from, use Marjoram to kill off viruses and then the bacterial infection that can sometimes be left behind that causes lots of discomfort.

5. Marjoram works very well with the cardio vascular system and connective tissue. Marjoram helps the capillaries, veins and arteries remember how to keep their rhythm (nice beat, easy to dance to).  Liver and Spleen love Marjoram because it helps to detox the sticky stuff that slows down the naming process of new cells and sorting of retired ones.

6. Marjoram has been used effectively for relief of arthritis/rheumatism pain, headaches, respiratory infections, menstrual problems/PMS, fungal infections, ringworm, shingles, sores, spasms, fluid retention and insomnia.

7. Marjoram may be relaxing and calming to the muscles that constrict and sometimes contribute to headaches.  It may help with anxiety, boils, bruises, burns,carbuncles,(inflamed swelling), colds, respiratory congestion, cold sores, cuts, insect bites, fungus and viral infections, hysteria, shock, sunburns, tension and bad attitude.

8. Decreasing swelling is one of Marjoram Essential Oil’s most important jobs, because swelling causes most of the pain you experience from cuts and bruises. If you have a headache, menstrual cramps or bruises, repetitive strain injury, sore throat, insect bite or almost any type of infection, they all involve inflammation that pins down your nerves, and that pressure causes pain.  Marjoram can penetrate without causing extra heat sensation to the area.  It can be effective (drink your water) with relief of backaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome.

9. Inspires contentment and compassion,Warming and relaxing, Marjoram oil addresses itself to each aspect of psychological health. It helps to calm obsessive thinking, ease emotional craving and promote the capacity for inner self-nurturing. In its ancient role as a Funeral Herb, it can help us to accept any deep loss, especially when combined with oils of Cypress, Frankincense and White Fir. As an Herb of Love, it nourishes the place from where neediness springs, helping to restore our power to give.  Minimizes emotional upsets, making it useful for relieving anxiety, aggression, anger, emotional exhaustion, hyperactivity, nervousness, and stress. Because of its balancing and regulating actions, it can ease obsessive behavior and negative thoughts.

10. It promotes Peace and Restful Sleep, because just inhaling the aroma of Marjoram produces sedating brain wave patterns in your brain.

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