Saturday, December 10, 2011

How to be happy

How to be happy
There are a lot of books talking about how to be happy. It seems like everybody is looking for happiness.

Somebody reads a lot of books just to look for happiness in their life. It is hardly to find a book which relates your happiness with your life goal.

Somebody does not know which education course is good for them. Somebody does not know which shirt or dress to choose. Somebody even does not know what to choose for lunch. Somebody likes to ask for other opinion on their own problem. And their life keeps repeating all these kind of things without thinking of solving them. Why people feel difficult to make a simple decision? People thought that this suppose to be a life for an ordinary human being?

Life is actually very simple. It is all depends on your life goal. If you don’t have a life goal or not clear about your life goal, your life will be not simple anymore, always facing some difficulties and unhappy things. If you don’t know which course is suitable for you, you are not clear about your life goal. If you ask for advice( not referring to knowledge ) from others on your own life, you are not clear about your life goal.

I strongly believe that, when you don’t know which shirt should be worn today, you should ask yourselves what is your life goal. When you feel angry with somebody, you should ask yourselves what is your life goal. When you worry about what will be your examination result, you should ask yourselves what is your life goal. We should be responsible on our own emotion. If you think you are in some kind of emotion which you don’t like, then you should ask yourselves what is wrong with you. Your life goal is not OK? Or even worst, you don’t have one clear goal.

Why we may allow one same problem to be happened again? Why don’t we try to solve it once for our life? We thought problem is normal for an ordinary human being? We thought life suppose to be filled by many unhappy events/things? We seems like not responsible on our emotion.

If we have set up our life goal, we should be responsible on all the consequences of it, including our emotion. If we can’t accept such consequences, then we suppose to adjust the goal. The goal could makes our life full of excitement. The goal could makes us always in trouble. The goal could makes our life simple and happy. What kind of life you want all depends on your goal. Please don’t blame that unhappiness is normal for human being. Asking for advice for our own life is really ridiculous. How people may helps if people does not know about your life goal and only you are clear about your own life goal. Somebody even supplies advice base on their own life goal, instead of yours. They thought if they solve the problem using this way you should also use the same way.

Let's say you are going to select an education course for your university, and there are course A and course B in front of you. Please ask yourselves, if you choose course A, are you going towards your goal? If you choose course B, are you going towards your goal? If both courses allowing you to achieve your goal, then simply choose one. If only course A allowing you to achieve your goal, then choose course A. If both courses are not allowing you to achieve your goal, then looks for the course which allows you to achieve your goal. What is so difficult? The difficult part is, if we don’t have a life goal. If so, nobody can helps you. You can’t ask somebody on how to solve your problem.

The existence of the problem is coming from you. It is not coming from the environment. Of course there area lot of people solving the course problem through another method. They try to find out which course is more popular or which course may makes them earn more money in future. These kind of consideration is no longer coming from yourselves( internal factor ). It is an external factor. If you got a wrong information, found it after joining the course and feel angry on it, what is the cause of your anger? It is caused by yourselves, not caused by the person who gave you the information. At the time you use this kind of method in choosing your course, you should be aware of this kind of risk and accept all the consequences.

Happiness is a personal thing. So in doing whatever job, making whatever decision, we should do it ourselves and not letting other to do it for us. We have to make the decision base on what we want for our life. We can’t( just my suggestion ) let other to decide our happiness. If you allow other to decide it for you, then you have to accept the consequences and be happy with whatever you will be facing. It is hardly to find a person who let other to control their life and still feel very happy on their life.

The main factor to differentiate adults with kids is, adults could take responsibility and knowing very well about the consequences but kids could not. If we look around, we may find a lot of people with an adult body who can’t take responsibility and don’t know or don’t care about the consequences. Especially of they can’t responsible on their own emotion. Our emotion is actually the result of our choice.

Our life goal is our choice. We should think deeply to find a best goal for ourselves. We are having 100% of the power to choose our own life goal base on our interest and what we want for our life. After decided the goal, we live according to our goal. Whatever happened after that are affecting our emotion. So the emotion is the result of our life goal. The emotion is the result of our own choice.

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