Tuesday, May 15, 2012


The illustration shows how a varicose vein forms in a leg. Figure A shows a normal vein with a working valve and normal blood flow. Figure B shows a varicose vein with a deformed valve, abnormal blood flow, and thin, stretched walls. The middle image shows where varicose veins might appear in a leg.
Abnormal dilation of leg veins may occur from many causes. Varicose veins usually appear on the surface of the skin. Most common in the legs, they may also occur in the entire lower extremity, the perineum, the pelvis, or the abdomen. Dilation of rectal veins are usually called hemorrhoids, while in the scrotum, they are termed a varicocele.

The late Dr. Dennis Burkett of England taught for decades that varicose veins result from a deficient intake of fiber in the diet. This creates, he said, the necessity for increased straining, thus elevating the abdominal pressure, and stretching the veins. While this may constitute one cause, that there are many causes of varicose veins. Some of these follow episodes of thrombophlebitis, an inflamed blood clot in the same involved vein. Unwisely wearing tight constricting garments around the upper thigh or waist, as well as prolonged sitting or standing, can promote the development of unwelcome varicosities. They are usually aggravated by pregnancy or any other condition that raises the pressure within the abdomen.

Exercise and the use of whirlpool baths are beneficial in chronic disease involving the veins. An increase of fiber in the diet will provide better elimination, decreasing the need for straining with unnatural elevation of the abdominal pressure.Symptoms of aching in the legs or unsightly deformities of the skin can be treated with the wearing of elastic support hose. These should be of a surgical quality and appropriately fitted to the patient’ s size. Many people with varicose veins below the knee should wear support stockings up to the knee, while others require a full-length hose to appropriately compress the veins and prevent them from dilating further.Occasionally, surgery is indicated, called a vein stripping and ligation, to remove the offenders. Most varicose veins, nonetheless, can be treated at home.One dreadful complication that patients fear is the varicose ulcer, usually developing on the inner side of the ankle, below a varicose vein. This needs urgent treatment to reduce the hazard of infection and promote rapid healing.Bed rest is combined with elevation of the affected limb, together with hot and cold soaks, and careful antiseptic cleansing of the ulcer. This method, even at home, will usually promote rapid healing. Swelling in the ankles needs to be reduced by the combined influence of gravity (elevate the legs) and salt restriction. At times a topical application of vitamin E, aloe vera, or the healing effect of oxygen administered with a plastic bag around the foot can help to promote more rapid healing.

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