Sunday, July 17, 2011


For maximum calorie burning and weight loss, here are some of the best weight loss exercises.

Running (treadmill or outdoors) - the best weight loss exercise. Running is one of the most efficient methods of burning calories. For every mile you run, you burn approx. 100 calories. Highest calorie burn and cheap as chips. All you need is a pair of quality running shoes. Plus, if you stick with it, you'll get hooked, making weight loss and weight maintenance easy. Check out a beginners running plan and how to run to get started.

Elliptical Trainer. If you can't run this is an awesome piece of machinery. The elliptical trainer combines the cardio of running with resistance and it is low impact. Another positive is that burning the equivalent amount of calories as running feels easier on the elliptical. Great weight loss exercise. Compare the elliptical trainer with the treadmill.

Cross-Country Skiing (machine or outdoors) is a fantastic endurance sport, calling on every major muscle group. Again it is a combination of resistance and cardio exercise. If you've got snow I suggest you ski.

Rowing. Cardio and resistance training in one fierce calorie-burning workout lasting between 20 and 40 minutes. Best used for interval training. Just make sure most of your power driving the stroke comes from large muscle of the thighs - not the upper body (a common mistake).

Step Aerobics targets legs, hips and glutes. It is an intense calorie-burning exercise. Calories burned during this weight loss exercise depends on speed and step height.

Bicycling (stationary or outdoors) targets thighs and calf muscles. Effectiveness for weight loss depends on speed and resistance/ incline. However, pear-shaped women beware of high resistance, as this will increase muscle mass in your thighs and exacerbate your problem area.

Swimming - excellent full-body weight loss exercise. Water supports the body. Thus, less stress is placed on joints - low-impact. Brilliant for those with injuries.

Jumping Rope is a seriously simple, but effective weight loss exercise. Ten minutes of jumping rope burns the rough equivalent of running an eight-minute mile. This weight loss exercise also improves cardiovascular endurance, coordination and agility.
Racquetball/ Squash. The high-intensity makes racquetball a great weight loss exercise.

Rock Climbing is a weight loss exercise that combines cardiovascular exercise with resistance training. This weight loss exercise burns A LOT of calories, esp. on the way up.

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