Thursday, June 2, 2011

Top 10 Fastest Ways to Gain Weight and Build Muscle Mass

Top 10 Fastest Ways to Gain Weight and Build Muscle Mass

If you have been longing to build muscle mass to look better and to possess a toned physique as in a way to attract the opposite sex, you must realize that it isn’t rocket science to know how to build muscle mass as you can develop muscle if you stay devoted to your objective. The trendy fashion that lures the younger lot also tempts the younger generation to look for techniques to build muscle mass, and the interested individuals search the internet to get the relevant details that might put them in the right path to build muscle mass.

Here are the top 10 fastest ways to gain weight and build muscle mass, and if you are mustard keen on building muscle mass, these ways help you to get the desired results.
Weight Train

One among the top 10 fastest ways to gain weight and build muscle mass happens to be the weight training regime. Weight training enables variable resistance, as you can make use of free weights techniques like the dumbbells and barbells, machines making use of pulleys or cables for helping you in the process of lifting weights, and bodyweight exercises as that of dips or pull-ups can also be done. To achieve maximum muscle gain, the workouts should primarily embrace free weight exercises.
Eating More Calories

It is important that you’ll have to eat more if you plan to gain weight. If you fail to consume enough calories, you cannot gain weight even if you are going to resort to other means to gain weight. As one of the top 10 fastest ways to gain weight and build muscle mass, it is utterly essential to consume more calories than which gets burnt by your body, creating what is referred to as the caloric surplus. For gaining muscle mass, and to repair muscle tissue, which undergoes damage during workouts, the extra calories consumed by you is put to use.
Eating More Protein

If you are not taking in enough protein, building new muscles becomes a near impossible task. For muscle growth protein happens to be the prime ingredient, as the high quality proteins, which get broken down into that of the amino acids by your body should be the main constituent of your meals. This is one of the top 10 fastest ways to gain weight and build muscle mass, as it is a known factor, where high protein foods entwined with rigorous training helps build muscle mass.
Eating More Often

For gaining weight, you’ll start consuming huge amount of calories. But your body has the capacity for assimilating only limited calories during each of your meals. The absolute effect of calories getting absorbed by your body happens when you reduce the meal size and subsequently increase the meal frequency. As one of the top 10 fastest ways to gain weight and build muscle mass, splitting your calories consumption as well increasing the frequency will pave way for food absorption as well as for the utilization pertaining to nutrients.
Eating More Fat

In case you are obsessed to build muscle mass as well as gain weight, you will have to consume enough dietary fat. Dietary fat plays a pivotal role in the production of hormones, which leads to growth as your strength also increases. This is considered to be one of the top 10 fastest ways to gain weight and build muscle mass, and the muscle gain diet that has been popular for a long time is known as the ‘Anabolic Diet’, which advocates the eating of fat. Bacon, butter as well as heavy cream also come under this list, and the diet works well to produce the desired results.
Drinking More Water

Not many people understand the importance of drinking plenty of water as when you start with your weight training regime to gain weight as well as build body mass, as drinking water keeps your muscles hydrated. As when you are eager to achieve the desired results of building muscle mass, you tend to train very hard, and it is when dehydration happens. By opting to drink water in copious amount helps increase your vascularity as it also aids in removing the toxins from that of your body. Protein has the tendency to generate metabolic waste products which need to be dissolved in that of water. If you do not consume enough water, it becomes difficult for the kidney to remove the wastes efficiently.
Taking a Multi-Vitamin
The quintessential feature in the top 10 fastest ways to gain weight and build muscle mass is the supplements as well as the muscle gain enhancing products that are specific, as there are many products, but two of the vitamin supplements play a vital role, and these are Antioxidants and Multi-Vitamins. If you plan to build muscle mass, you should make it a point to consume minerals, vitamins and trace elements that match the desired levels pertaining to the needs of your body. The diet that you plan to adopt should get supplemented with minerals and vitamins.
Take Antioxidants

Taking antioxidant is one of the top 10 fastest ways to gain weight and build muscle mass, and antioxidant as that of Vitamins C, A, E, Glutamine, Glutathione and Selenium are quintessential to prevent the radical damage that hastens after heavy trauma pertaining to weight training is experienced. Antioxidants aid in providing protection to that of other substances in being oxidized themselves.
More Rest

Rest happens to be an overlooked feature by the many who strive to build mass, but, as one of the top 10 fastest ways to gain weight and build muscle mass, it is essential to take rest if you care to build muscles. The secret to building muscles and gaining weight lies in consuming enough calories, to follow it up with laborious training as well as resting. There is no way to compensate the lack of rest in case you don’t prefer to rest.

The most important of the top 10 fastest ways to gain weight and build muscle mass is to maintain consistency. You might plan for a healthy diet, good training schedules, do pitch-perfect exercises, but, all these efforts go to waste if you are not consistent in your efforts. If you want to accomplish the goal of building muscle mass, you’ll have to be consistent to get the desired results.

If you feel that any of the significant measures have been left out of the top 10 fastest ways to gain weight and build muscle mass, please let us know, and provide your comments too!

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