Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Set Point Theory On Weight Loss

The Set Point Theory On Weight Loss

Dieters are faced with the recurring trouble of putting too much sweat into weight loss only to regain weight so quick. Those who have taken diet to the extreme even go on a vicious cycle of starving then overeating, only to find out that their weight had even replicated than the first time they started dieting. This leads to a feeling of helplessness and misery, and in a very poor self-image.

The MIT Medical published a report about a relatively new weight loss theory called the set point. The report recounts that the brain’s hypothalamus has a mechanism that actually regulates weight. The “set point” is an internal fat metre, which, according to MIT Medical “maintains weight fairly constant, presumably because it has more accurate information about the body s fat stores than the conscious mind can obtain. At the same time, this system pressures the conscious mind to change behavior, producing feelings of hunger or satiety. Studies show that a person’s weight at the set point is optimal for efficient activity and a stable, optimistic mood. When the set point is driven too low, depression and lethargy may set in as a way of slowing the person down and reducing the number of calories expended.”

According to the set point theory, if a person’s fat level descends below the set point, then the brain will incite the body to increase appetite. In short, the body’s set point protects the stable levels of fat, which crash dieting counters. That is why, after starving themselves, crash dieters find a mad and uncontrollable appetite to eat, resulting in more weight gain.

Advocates of the set point weight loss approach propose retaining the internal set point low in a gradual manner, especially for people who have been heavy and had tried dieting for years. There has been a case study where a woman who tried dieting for 25 years gave up one day and just delighted eating, but this time, having a better discernment for food as source of bodily nutrients rather than luxuriating pleasure. Miraculously, just when she gave up dieting, she started losing weight. The brain’s set point had depressed its level of required stored fats.

The set point weight loss theory, matched with swimming, biking, running, and other aerobic exercises, assists in keeping off lost weight.

In extreme cases where surgery may be warranted for weight loss, seeking help from professionals is advised. Women who desire to improve their physical appearance with treatments for breast augmentation must do the same.

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