Saturday, June 11, 2011

Acne Home Remedies

Acne Home Remedies
There are many acne home remedies to help you get rid of acne. Some are really effective, some are not… some are dietary supplements and some are just recommending the newest and “greatest” face lotion or cream. I have spent several years learning about skin, acne and health in relation to skin. I had acne on and off for a 5 year period and it was something I struggled with all the time. The great thing about having acne for about 5 years is that you get to learn a lot about skin and how to get rid of acne. I tried everything from proactiv (horrible) to vitamin e which still didn’t work.

I read about vitamins, healthy skin, how to get rid of acne naturally and everything in between. I discovered a lot during this period and in this article I will share a few home remedies for acne that should help you make the journey to clearer skin a shorter trip! The first thing that I recommend that all people that have acne start doing is to drink more water. If you have acne you are more than likely dehydrated. How do I know this? I had acne and I didn’t drink enough water when I had acne but then when I started drinking more water my face would clear up more. You should be drinking 50% of your body weight in ounces of water each day. This should be clean and pure drinking water, spring or purified water! no tap water! The reason you shouldn’t be drinking tap water is because metals, fluoride, pharmaceutical drugs and more have been found in tap water. we don’t want to put any of these in our bodies so stick to healthy and pure water.

Once you are drinking enough water you can begin to use the right products that will begin to cure your acne. One of the biggest mistakes I made when i had acne was using treatments that everyone else was using that obviously weren’t working and never will. Products like proactiv, clean and clear and all the other junk that supposedly works but we all know doesn’t after using them. By using these products my skin took longer to heal and they were too harsh on my skin. You can only reduce your acne by about 20% by using these types of products because you are not treating the internal cause of your acne. The chemicals in these products along with the unbalanced ingredients cause problems for your skin. Now that I know benzoyl peroxide slows down the skins healing process and is a toxic chemical I don’t use proactiv. These products which you can get at your local store are nothing but toxic bottles of chemicals and I recommend that you don’t use any of them. Instead use all natural products and ingredients that work to give your skin nutrition and health in order to bring it back into balance. This is what will clear up your skin and heal your acne much quicker.

Ayurvedic cure for Pimples or Acne

Recipe No.1:
Cherry seeds dal : Pound and make powder and store it.
Add little butter little honey and apply paste to the pimples/acne. After surface dries wash.
Big pimples reduce and vanish even stains are eliminated.

Recipe No.2:
Dhania(coriander) : 100 gms,
Vasa : 100 gm
Sugandhi roots powder : 100 gm
Make powders separately and mix them and store.
Make paste with milk or water and apply to pimples overnight. Early in the morning wash face.
All the pimples, stains get eliminated.

Recipe No.3:
Yoga and other tips for Acne:
- Udhyana bandham : 10 to 12 min
- Udara chaalanam
- Fill with air till cheeks get bulged and release.
- Reduce eating oily foods, sweets
- Sleep timely
- Exercise is a must
- Reduce rice when physical work is less.

Recipe No.4:
i) Crush neem tree sticks and extract juice. Apply to pimples for 15 days.
ii) Mix lemon juice 10 drops to rose water 10 drops. Apply to pimples and gently massage. After drying, wash face with warm water in the morning and evening.
iii) Rose lehyam to be taken for 15 days orally.
iv) Extract gandham/paste made with water from the white part of neem bark and apply to pimples. Whenever you extract bark from the trees apply dung to it for normalising.

Recipe No.5:
Take gandham/paste from turmeric sticks, sonthi/dry ginger sticks in equal proportion.
Apply on pimples for 2 to 3 days daily overnight. Wash face with warm water in the morning. Press out pus if any. Healed within a week.
Gently massage the stains with tomato juice overnight. Wash with warm water in the morning. Stains get eliminated.

Recipe No.6:
Gandham of turmeric stick, 10 tulasi leaves and one camphor tablet. Make paste apply to pimples overnight. Wash with warm water in the morning.
Relief from pimples within 10 to 15 days.

Recipe No.7:
Desi tomato small : 5 nos.
Carrot : 1 No.
Beet root : half
Make juice out of the three. Add little honey or candy sugar and take in the evenings daily.
The extract or pulp obtained from the above juice can be mixed with butter and grind. Apply the paste to the pimples or entire face. After one hour wash with warm water.
Blood gets purified, skin beauty increases, pimples and stains get removed, dark circles below eyes vanish and face will glow.

Recipe No.8:
Jaaji kaaya, gandham of chandanam
Mix both and apply on pimples overnight and wash in the morning. Pimples are gone and stains eliminated.

Recipe No.9:
Manjista powder : 1 spoon
Honey : 1 spoon
Apply paste to the affected parts.

Recipe No.10:
Pippali powder : 3 gm (Fry and powder)
2 spoons Avisa seeds
120 gms Chaaya minapappu powder
Add sufficient cow’s ghee and grind it. apply paste to the face.
Pimples, stains and dark circles disappear.

Recipe No.11:
Tulasi leaves : 10 Nos.
Camphor : 1 tab
Grind the above with 5 drops water. Apply paste overnight and wash in the morning.

Recipe No.12:
Aloevera gel with turmeric powder can be applied overnight and wash face in the morning to get relief from pimples/acne and stains.

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