Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Types of Alcoholism

Types of Alcoholism
Did he, Edison Chen and all her sex mates took any drugs? Women should say No To drugs. Lessons to be learned from Gillian Chung is "Do not be naive."

Patterns of alcoholism vary widely. The American social scientist Professor E. M. Jellinek, who pioneered the modern scientific approach to the problem, described five types of alcoholism. Two or more of them may be found in the same individual at the same time, and there is no such person as a 'typical' alcoholic.

These are the 5 Types of Alcoholics:
1. Type I (Alpha Alcoholism): The drinker has a deep-seated psychological problem, such as depression or anxiety - and he drinks excessively to try to overcome it.

2. Type II (Beta Alcholism): The drinker is not necessarily dependent on alcohol, but his continual drinking leads to physical or mental deterioration - producing, for example, cirrhosis of the liver, polyneuritis, or dementia. Publicans are particularly prone to this type of alcoholism.

3. Type III (Gamma Alcholism): The characteristic feature is that the drinker can go for long periods without touching alcohol. However, once he starts to drink socially, he finds it difficult or impossible to stop, and the 'one or two' he may have set as his limit turn into many. In addition, his periods of abstinence gradually get fewer and shorter.

4. Type IV (Delta Alcoholism): the drinker is never really drunk, but keeps on topping up with alcohol in relatively small quantities throughout the day and cannot break the habit. That pattern is more common in wine-drinking countries such as France.

5. Type V (Epsilon Alcoholism): Fomerly known as diposomania. This type afflicts the drinker who only takes alcohol periodically. His craving is not satisfied until he loses control of himself and he may finally pass out. The Epsilon drinker is sober most of the time, unlike the Gamma drinker who is drunk most of the time.

Problem drinking is not restricted to adults, married or otherwise. The increase in alcoholism among teenagers and schoolchildren, inferred from the rise in convictions for drunkenness and consumption of alcohol, is one of the most alarming social trends. Partly, it may be due to the greater affluence of young people, but some sociologists believe that advertisements in which drinking hard liquor is equated with sophistication or manliness also play a part. Seek early treatment is the answer. Alcohol Rehab is the road to alcohol treatment. With alcohol rehab or drug rehab, problem drinkers can find back their life and their health!

 Alcoholism Recovery For Women do not come easy. Women should not drink excessively. When drank excessively, alcohol is bad for health and alcohol can be harmful to the drinker's life.
 Some don't about drinking:

    * Don't drink at all before driving a car.
    * Don't drink for 'medicinal reasons' such as anxiety, depression or to combat stress.
    * Don't drink alone.
    * Don't drink on an empty stomach.
    * Don't fall into the habit of taking alcohol as an aid to sleep. This can easily lead to dependence.
    * Don't mix alcohol with any other drug, especially tranquilisers
    * Don't gulp alcohol. Sip slowly.
    * Don't drink to alleviate loneliness.
Men or women who need help with Drug and Alcohol Recovery can always seek Women and Drug Addiction.

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