Saturday, May 28, 2011

Top 10 Best Healthy Foods

Top 10 Best Healthy Foods

1. Berries
While the term superfood has been conferred on some berries more than others, the entire family has been a hotbed of research for scientists. Acai berries, blackberries, blueberries, both wild and cultivated, raspberries, strawberries and even cranberries - all have distinct health benefits, showing that the term variety does indeed have merit. Some berries defend against certain cancers while others promote healthy arteries. Others still fight against cognitive decline.

2. Broccoli (and the Brassica family)
Here's another powerful disease-fighting family whose members are also known as the cruciferous family. Brassica includes arugula, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, various cabbages, cauliflower, collards, horseradish - including the hot Japanese horseradish wasabi- kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens, radish, rapini, rutabaga, turnips and watercress. Just this year alone, dozens of studies have examined various substances in these foods and their powerful action in fighting different types of cancer. And these vegetables work in diverse ways to combat cancer at all different stages of the disease.

For those who aren't cruciferous fans, repeated tasting helps. And for broccoli, some garlic and lemon with a splash of extra virgin olive oil might change your minds.

3. Whole grains
Naming the number one whole grain choice isn't fair. All whole grains have something to offer and by eating a mix, you can gather an assortment of perks. Some, like barley, oats and rye, supply benefits for blood cholesterol and regulating blood sugar while others, like whole wheat, provide advantages for regularity. Read labels and look for whole grain as the first ingredient. Be aware that enriched wheat equals refined grain.

4. Green tea
This member of the Camellia sinensis family continues to reap accolades in scientific circles. A defender against different cancers - prostate, skin, bladder, oral, you name it - it seems that green tea's brew of chemicals offers some benefit. It also acts as an antioxidant playing a part in keeping arteries healthy. Bone health and green tea is another area of research. And for those concerned about their weight, a few cups a day may aid in shedding pounds.

But go for the real thing: There have been reported cases of liver toxicity with green tea extracts.

5. Apples
 They're packed with soluble fibre, the type that reduces blood cholesterol and plays a role in regulating blood sugar. But there's more to their apple a day reputation than previously thought. Apples contain high levels of flavonoids, which appear to reduce inflammation throughout the body. And scientists now know that inflammation is involved in the development of many chronic diseases including heart disease, stroke and some cancers. Eat the peel to up your antioxidant intake.

6. Cold-water fish
Salmon, sardines, mackerel and tuna are all super sources of omega-3s, a type of fat that's in short supply in the diets of most Canadians. And they're vital right through the life cycle from pregnancy through to old age. They're key to the brain health of an infant and to that of an elderly person. In between, they're also essential for a growing list of disease-fighting actions from protecting arteries and mental health to maintaining good vision.

7. Extra-virgin olive oil
Simply put, it's the juice of an olive and it's filled a wide assortment of substances that offer a diverse range of health perks. Besides being a monounsaturated fat, EVOO is chock full of compounds with health-promoting effects. In fact, it's the same substances that provide olive oil's distinctive tastes and colours that are responsible for all kinds of weaponry against disease.

8. Nuts
These small packages of goodness continue to impress - a decreased risk of diabetes, blood cholesterol lowering and anti-cancer action is just the tip of the iceberg. Dig in, but practice portion control. They're super as snacks to bridge the gap between meals.

9. Pulses
 Also known as legumes, dried peas and beans, pulses just don't get the respect they deserve. True, they're thought of as peasant food but these days, that's not such a bad thing. Put that together with the research that shows these foods can reduce blood cholesterol levels, help to regulate blood sugar and blood-pressure readings, and legumes are a clear winner as a meat substitute. The one drawback is flatulence - but if you consume these foods regularly, you can reap the benefits without the unwanted side effects.

10. Vitamin D
While it's not a food and you likely can't get enough of it just eating food, vitamin D can't be left off the top 10 list for 2010. The sunshine vitamin, as it's also known, used to be considered mainly for its role in keeping bones healthy. But after years of people practicing safe sun habits and levels of vitamin D dropping, the potential costs to health of vitamin D shortages are now coming to light.

And they are staggering: Just the impact on immune-system functioning alone is astounding. Besides compromising our ability to fight illness, a deficit of vitamin D is linked to an epidemic of type 1 diabetes in children and other autoimmune diseases like MS. It's also being named as a culprit in the development of a number of cancers as well as heart disease. Experts are now saying that adults should take a supplement of 1,000 IU per day.

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