Saturday, May 14, 2011

Tips to Deal with Office Stress

Tips to Deal with Office Stress
Work is an important part of life and it is just where we spend most of our day. But, what if your job bothers you? Here are some job stress management ideas to help you deal with stress in the place of work.

Stress is what it is. Situations come up in our lives that we consider as good or bad. How we respond to them determines what the amount of stress we experience. Learning this lesson can help you save a lot of stress on your work.

Handling your Responsibilities

Believe it or not, there are people who like their work. When the work is satisfying you are more effective and don't mind taking up extra duties when warranted.

But, when you are under the gun to get work done and there just don't look like enough hours in the day, you may be inviting trouble. If your frantic pace keeps up you'll begin to notice the adverse effects. At first it may simply be a stomachache or a headache when you wake up in the morning. You may pop a few pills before heading off to job.Workplace stress is very common these days especially in the IT industry. Here are some tips for dealing with stress at your office.

    1. Try to reach office on time. If possible 10 minutes earlier.
    2. Don’t rush to your seat and immerse your face in files. As soon as you sit on your chair take 3 deep breaths.
    3. See problems as challenges and see them in different angle.
    4. Your cleanliness, near way of dressing everything counts.
    5. Take copies of important documents
    6. Don’t go after fixing others
    7. Maintain good work etiquette at office.
    8. Talk politely. Give respect and take respect.
    9. Believe in yourself.
    10. Take critics positively.
    11. Respect yourself.
    12. Try to take some stretches from your chair itself.
    13. Once you are too much stressed do get up and stretch up as in Thaadasana.
    14. If you feel that you are having unmanageable anger does not hesitate to go to for anger management classes.
    15. Meditation will help you to remain graceful under pressure.
    16. Find time to smell fresh flowers.
    17. Set priorities in life.
    18. Set goals in life.
    19. Keep your eyes open for silver linings in the cloud. An opportunity once lost might be lost forever.
    20. Be confident. At the same time you be aware of your limitations and you don’t have to hide that from others.
    21. Be bold enough to say No. if you are afraid to say a No and keep on heaping up job on your desk you will encounter serious problem in future. So be truthful to yourself and others.
    22. Don’t heap jobs. If you have time to finish the job today.
    23. Perfection is a good quality. But when you have a heap of work and in the name of perfection if you are delaying project release and getting scolding from boss, what use in perfection then? So do everything in moderation.
    24. Work hard to excel in your field and not to be a perfectionist.
    25. If you are coming across a job which you don’t like then what you can do is ask the help of your colleagues. You may find it interesting to do the same not so pleasing job enjoyable when you do it as a team.
    26. Always have an alternative plan ready with you.
    27. Expect the unexpected. That doesn’t mean you have to be pessimistic. But just prepare yourself to face challenges.
    28. If you come across a huge challenge rather than wasting time to think from where to start it’s always better to divide the job into small parts and do them. You will find the ice berg melting soon.
    29. Be a good listener. Avoid unwanted talks.
    30. Be cheerful at work and try to stretch your limits little by little every day.

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