Monday, May 16, 2011

Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)

Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure designed to improve the appearance of the nose.
Rhinoplasty is a surgery used to change the shape and size of the nose in order to which improves the overall appearance of a person’s face by surgically altering the nose. The word rhinoplasty derives from Greek roots meaning “to mold or shape the nose.” A more common slang name for the surgery is “nose job.” Rhinoplasty enjoys a high level of success in America; over one hundred thousand Americans undergo this surgery every year.

Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure designed to improve the appearance of the nose.
Rhinoplasty is a surgery used to change the shape and size of the nose in order to which improves the overall appearance of a person’s face by surgically altering the nose. The word rhinoplasty derives from Greek roots meaning “to mold or shape the nose.” A more common slang name for the surgery is “nose job.” Rhinoplasty enjoys a high level of success in America; over one hundred thousand Americans undergo this surgery every year.

Rhinoplasty Overview
Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure which is usually performed in order to improve the function or the appearance of a person’s nose. Rhinoplasty can reduce or increase the size of person’s nose as well as modify its shape.
The word rhinoplasty comes from the Greek word “rhinos” that means “nose” and the word “Plassein” which means “to shape”. A rhinoplasty is also commonly referred as a “nose job” or “nose reshaping”.
Rhinoplasty can change the shape of the tip or the bridge, narrow the span of the nostrils, or change the angle between your nose and your upper lip. Rhinoplasty may also correct an aesthetically unpleasing nose, birth defects, injury caused by an accident, or some breathing problems.
Not all rhinoplasty is performed for cosmetic reasons; rhinoplasty can correct structural abnormalities. One of the most common conditions that can be corrected with rhinoplasty is a deviated septum, which can lead to breathing problems, chronic stuffiness, post-nasal drip and even snoring.
Rhinoplasty can be performed to meet aesthetic goals (cosmetic surgery) or for reconstructive purposes to correct trauma, birth defects or breathing problems (reconstructive surgery). Rhinoplasty can be combined with other surgical procedures such to enhance the aesthetic results that the patient can obtain.
Rhinoplasty is one of the most common types of plastic surgery procedures and the most common type of facial plastic surgery today.
According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery rhinoplasty was the second most popular cosmetic surgical procedure in 2004. Also, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, in the past two years nearly 600,000 people in the U.S. underwent rhinoplasty. People that have had rhinoplasty usually welcome the improvement and balance on their face that is achieved thought this procedure.

Rhinoplasty History

Reconstructive nose surgery was first developed in ancient India. Rhinoplasty was used to reconstruct noses that were amputated as a punishment for crimes.
The precursors to modern rhinoplasty were Johann Dieffenbach (1792–1847) and Jacques Joseph (1865–1934), who used external incisions for nose reduction surgery.
In 1973, Dr. Wilfred S. Goodman helped initiate the open rhinoplasty technique. Before this time, all rhinoplasty surgeries where performed with the closed rhinoplasty technique. At this time, the open approach to rhinoplasty gained in popularity during that time, but it was used mainly for first-time rhinoplasty surgery and not for revision rhinoplasty.
In 1987 Dr. Jack P. Gunter, popularized the use of open rhinoplasty to approach secondary rhinoplasty.

Closed Rhinoplasty

One of the most common rhinoplasty techniques is called “closed rhinoplasty.” In a closed rhinoplasty, all of the incisions used for the surgery are hidden inside the nostrils. This, of course, if a benefit because it means that the scars will be entirely invisible to the casual observer. Although this surgery does not offer quite as much freedom to the rhinoplasty surgeon as an open rhinoplasty, it still offers a number of possibilities. For some patients, this surgery provides them with everything that they need. Even with all of the incisions made within the nostrils, the surgeon can still remove or implant cartilage and bone to reduce or increase the size of the nose.

Open Rhinoplasty

The open rhinoplasty technique is a procedure that has more incisions then the closed technique and the incisions are external where as the closed incisions are internal. In the open technique the rhinoplasty surgeon cuts the columella which separates the nostrils and that is where the tissues are located. Rhinoplasty surgeons use this technique more because it is easier to visualize how the nose will become. Also, more patients have open rhinoplasty technique performed on them when they have previously had rhinoplasty surgery.

Differences Between Open & Closed Rhinoplasty

Although the closed rhinoplasty technique sounds better due to no visible scarring, this technique is limited to those who can have this surgery and qualify as good candidates. This rhinoplasty technique works better for patients that are looking for minor changes. This would be good for those that need to remove the small bumps on the bridges of their nose. If there is more work to be done on the nose, patients are most likely getting an open rhinoplasty.
The open rhinoplasty technique is better for those that need more work done on their nose. However, there is more scarring and there is a scar that is on the columella which is more noticeable. However, taking care of the scar properly it will lighten up and look barely noticeable.
Important Rhinoplasty Information
Both the open and closed rhinoplasty techniques will cause bruising and swelling, as does other rhinoplasty techniques.

New Rhinoplasty Techniques

There are newer rhinoplasty techniques that doctors are getting into and are becoming very popular. Some of these new rhinoplasty techniques are rasping, spreader grafts, cephalic resection, strut, plumping grafts, and osteotomies. Each of these rhinoplasty techniques helps specific areas of the nose.
Rasping is used more for when the patient wants to remove the bony hump on the nasal bridge or may smooth the hump down to be less noticeable. Doctors will use this technique to remove the hump and will help reduce the amount of bruising and swelling.
Spreader grafts is another rhinoplasty technique. This particular technique helps with short nasal bones, long upper lateral cartilage, thin skin and narrow noses. This rhinoplasty technique can help patients who have wider noses, or really long noses. The way the spreader graft technique works is the doctor will cut rectangular strips of cartilage will be placed in between the septum and the upper lateral cartilage.
Cephalic resection is a rhinoplasty technique that removes a tip of the cartilage to help narrow the nasal tip. This is used more to make the nose look longer.
Strut is a rectangular piece of cartilage that is put between the medial crura of the nasal tip. This rhinoplasty technique is used to make the nose tip look rounder.
Plumping grafts are placed beneath the skin if the upper lip is acute or retraced. With this technique patient’s own cartilage is placed through the incisions inside the nose at the base, which helps with the angle of the nose, and helps improve aging of the nose.
Osteotomies technique is technique used in the rhinoplasty procedure. This technique is used to reduce the nasal hump, fix twisted nose, and helps with overly wide nose. This particular rhinoplasty technique breaks and cuts the nasal bone. This is a more serious technique for patients who cannot get their noses corrected otherwise.
Talk To Your Rhinoplasty Doctor
To find out which rhinoplasty technique will work best for your face and achieves the best results for you with make an appointment with a rhinoplasty surgeon. He or she will examine your individual case and can inform you in detail about the best rhinoplasty technique for you, what results to expect, the cost, how long you can expect the recovery process to be and much more.
Use our rhinoplasty surgeon directory to find a rhinoplasty surgeon near you!
Primary Rhinoplasty
Primary rhinoplasty refers to first-time rhinoplasty in a patient; whether it is performed for aesthetic, functional, or reconstructive reasons.
Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that can restore skin coverage, recreate normal contours, and re-establish nasal airflow. Most people that undergo rhinoplasty only need one procedure to achieve the desired results.
Rhinoplasty may be sought in the aftermath of traumatic deformity. Traumatic accidents are the most common cause of nasal deformity. Rhinoplasty allows shaving of the displaced bony humps, and re-alignment of the nasal bones.

Secondary Rhinoplasty
Revision rhinoplasty or secondary rhinoplasty, is a nose operation performed to correct or revise an unsatisfactory outcome from a previous rhinoplasty or that the patient whishes to improve.
An unsatisfactory outcome occurs from 5% to 20% of rhinoplasty patients. There are two main reasons for performing secondary rhinoplasty. Patients often seek secondary rhinoplasty to correct a cosmetic deformity of the nose or to correct functional problems. A patient may be unsatisfied with all or part of a previous rhinoplasty surgery or may wish to improve its results or may have or develop conditions that make it difficult for them to breathe.
Revision rhinoplasty can be a complicated procedure. Most revision rhinoplasty specialists perform secondary rhinoplasty via the open approach. This allows the surgeon to directly visualize the deformity. Advances in rhinoplasty techniques now allow satisfactory results in secondary rhinoplasty that were not possible in the past.
Functional and Reconstructive Rhinoplasty
Functional rhinoplasty refers to restoring the normal passage of air thru the nose and restoring a normal breathing function. Reconstructive rhinoplasty refers to restoring the normal shape and function of the nose.
Functional or reconstructive rhinoplasty may be perfumed to repair damages from any of the following reasons:

    A traumatic accident
    Autoimmune disorder
    Intra-nasal drug abuse
    Previous injudicious cosmetic surgery
    Cancer involvement
    Congenital abnormality

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that can restore skin coverage, recreate normal contours, and re-establish nasal airflow. A septoplasty may also be performed during rhinoplasty surgery to improve nasal breathing function. An inferior turbinectomy can be performed during rhinoplasty surgery if there is turbinate hypertrophy present.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is also called a “non-surgical nose job” and refers nose rather than using surgical means. to reshaping the nose with alternative techniques. Non-surgical rhinoplasty can be performed in the outpatient basis without anesthesia.
On of the most common types of non-surgical rhinoplasty techniques uses injectable substances for altering the shape and structure of the nose. Results from this type of rhinoplasty may last up to several months after which the procedure will need to be redone.
Another non-surgical option used for non-surgical rhinoplasty are flexible “nose inserts” that are placed in the nostril area between the nose tip and back of the nose. The nose inserts reshapes the patient’s nose only while worn.

Rhinoplasty Recovery

Following rhinoplasty surgery, you will need someone to drive you home and stay with you for at least the first 24 hours. The patient returns home after the rhinoplasty. In rare cases, your rhinoplasty surgeon may recommend a hospital stay.
Most surgeons prescribe antibiotics, pain medications, and steroid medication after rhinoplasty surgery. Your rhinoplasty surgeon may recommend cold compresses for 1 or 2 days after rhinoplasty surgery followed by alternating hot and cold compresses for 1 or 2 additional days. Most people choose to remain home for a week, although it is safe to be outdoors. It is highly recommended that the patient wears a hat to protect them from the sun if they are going to be outside.
If there are external sutures, they are usually removed 4 to 5 days after surgery. The external cast is removed usually after one week of the rhinoplasty surgery. If there are internal stents, they are usually removed between four days to two weeks after surgery.
The bruising usually lasts two weeks. Due to wound healing after a rhinoplasty, there is moderate shifting and settling of the nose over the first year.
Rhinoplasty Risks
It is extremely important that you follow all the instructions given to you by your rhinoplasty surgeon before and after your rhinoplasty to minimize risks and complications.
Although rhinoplasty is usually considered to be safe and successful, complications can ariseand unpredictable results are possible with rhinoplasty as well as with any other surgery. Some of the most common risk includes:

    Blood clots

Adhesions can also occur, which are scars that form to bridge across the nasal cavity from the septum to the turbinates. Adhesions are rare but cause nasal obstruction to breathing and usually need to be cut away. At the time of surgery in the septum a hole can be inadvertently made, this hole is called a septal perforation and can cause chronic nose bleeding, crusting, difficult breathing and whistling with breathing.
If too much of the underlying structure of the nose (cartilage and/or bone) is removed during the rhinoplasty surgery, this can cause the overlying nasal skin to have little shape that can results in a deformity called “polly beak” deformity. Likewise, if the septum is not correctly supported, the bridge of the nose can then sink resulting in a “saddle nose” deformity.
If the tip of the nose is over-rotated during a rhinoplasty the nostrils can become too visible and create a pig-like look. If the cartilages of the tip of the nose are over-resected during a rhinoplasty, this can cause a pinched look to the tip of the nose. If an incision in an open approach rhinoplasty is made across the collumella there can be variable degree of numbness to the nose that may take up to several months to resolve.
Additionally, the aesthetic outcome of rhinoplasty cannot always be foreseen. After rhinoplasty surgery bones may dislodge, and cartilage and soft tissue may change in shape over time. It is extremely important that the patient does not suffer any type of trauma at all on the nose after rhinoplasty surgery since any applied pressure over the treated area may affect the final outcome of rhinoplasty.
In addition, results in some rare cases results may not develop as the patient had hoped and asymmetry is possible. Secondary or revision rhinoplasty procedures may occasionally be required to refine the results achieved with the original rhinoplasty surgery.
The best way to ensure that you will have a satisfactory outcome form your rhinoplasty is to find an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon. Use our surgeon locator to find a rhinoplasty specialist near you!
Rhinoplasty is a safe, effective and fast procedure. Everyday there are more rhinoplasty procedures performed around the country and rhinoplasty surgeons offer a wide range of options to get this procedure done with incredible results.
Rhinoplasty is not only a procedure to correct or perfect a physical condition, they are also meant to boost the patient’s confidence and help the rhinoplasty patient achieve a better quality of life. After a rhinoplasty, a patient should return soon to their normal activities. Rhinoplasty is a procedure that with the proper care will not interfere with the patient’s quality of life and should show results in a very short time.
Like any other cosmetic/plastic procedure; a rhinoplasty is not to be taken lightly. Research is necessary in order to find the best rhinoplasty surgeon for you. Usually, rhinoplasty requires minimal or no downtime depending on the patients case.
If you’re seeking a cutting-edge, highly effective method to significantly improve your appearance with safety and efficiency, then rhinoplasty is definitely the procedure you’ll want to consider. Rhinoplasty is one of America’s fastest growing procedure. Everyday more and more people get rhinoplasty to feel better about themselves.
With today’s technology getting rhinoplasty is easy, safe and affordable. However, Rhinoplasty treatments require educated decision-making. If you are thinking about getting rhinoplasty you will probably have questions about this procedure. Our goal with rhinoplasty guide is to help you answer all of those question such as:

    Am I a good rhinoplasty candidate?
    Is rhinoplasty right for me?
    What is the recovery time after rhinoplasty?
    What should I expect from rhinoplasty?
    Where can I find a rhinoplasty surgeon?

The more you know about rhinoplasty the better you will feel about getting this procedure and you will have more changes of success. Finding the right rhinoplasty surgeon is also a key part of the process as well as having a Rhinoplasty consultation.
Learn About Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty Guide has helped prospective rhinoplasty patients like you learn about the rhinoplasty procedure, latest trends and developments in rhinoplasty and find a rhinoplasty surgeon near you. Right from our home page, all you need to do is click on “Find a rhinoplasty surgeon” and choose your location. You’ll then see a list of rhinoplasty surgeons in your area. You can read their credentials, visit their website, learn about the rhinoplasty procedure they perform and see pictures of their office and patients. You can also take advantage of the different rhinoplasty related sections on our site to answer questions about the rhinoplasty procedure that you may have.
Rhinoplasty is performed for the purpose of enhancing a person’s appearance. Everyday rhinoplasty techniques are improved to give patients better results with less downtime and inconvenience.
Today, the power of the Internet lets you keep up with everything you ever wanted to know about rhinoplasty. Find out if you are a good candidate for rhinoplasty now!
Finding The Right Rhinoplasty Surgeon
Rhinoplasty involves many choices. The first and most important is selecting a surgeon you can trust. Our doctors are medical professionals who are trained and experienced in rhinoplasty procedures. They operate only in accredited medical facilities, adhere to a strict code of ethics and fulfill continuing rhinoplasty and medical education requirements, including standards and innovations in rhinoplasty and patient safety.
Finding the right rhinoplasty surgeon is key in your rhinoplasty process. The first step is always to make an appointment for your initial consultation.
In the initial consultation the rhinoplasty surgeon will analyze your case, let you know if you are a good rhinoplasty candidate. You can also talk to him or her about what to except, how will the rhinoplasty be performed, how long is the recovery time. Your rhinoplasty surgeon will also give you the cost of the procedure and present to you payment options if needed.
In the initial consultation you can ask your rhinoplasty surgeon questions such as:
For how long has he or she been performing rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty Questions
Once you have decided that rhinoplasty is right for you then the next step is to schedule a consultation with a certified rhinoplasty surgeon. During your consultation you can ask questions to your rhinoplasty surgeon that can include:
General Rhinoplasty Questions:

    Is rhinoplasty the right procedure for me?
    Are there any alternatives to rhinoplasty surgery and would you recommend any for my case?
    Am I a good candidate for rhinoplasty?
    What results should I except from my rhinoplasty?
    What is the next step to get rhinoplasty surgery?
    How much is rhinoplasty surgery?
    How can I pay for my rhinoplasty?
    Can rhinoplasty be done on an outpatient basis?
    Do I need additional blood work or x-rays before my rhinoplasty?
    How soon can I have rhinoplasty surgery?

Questions About The Rhinoplasty Procedure:

    How is the rhinoplasty surgery performed?
    How successful is the rhinoplasty procedure?
    How much experience do you have with the rhinoplasty procedure?
    How often do you perform rhinoplasty?
    What are the risks associated with rhinoplasty?
    What complications might develop from rhinoplasty surgery (immediate and long-term)?
    Where will my rhinoplasty procedure take place?
    How long will the rhinoplasty take?
    What kind of preparation do I need before my rhinoplasty?
    What should I bring with me before my rhinoplasty?
    Should I have a relative or friend stay during my rhinoplasty surgery?

Questions About What To Expect After Rhinoplasty Surgery:

    How long will I have to stay in recovery after my rhinoplasty surgery?
    How will I feel after rhinoplasty surgery?
    How much pain is there after rhinoplasty surgery?
    How long can I expect to fully recover from my rhinoplasty?

Questions To Ask About Your Return Home:

    Is it required to have someone to drive me home after rhinoplasty surgery?
    What kind of care will I need at home?
    Should I have someone help me after my rhinoplasty surgery? And if so, for how long?
    Are there any activity limitations after my rhinoplasty and for how long?
    What kind of diet should I keep after my rhinoplasty?
    What symptoms should I watch out and report after my rhinoplasty surgery?
    When should I contact my rhinoplasty surgeon?
    What medications do I need to take after my rhinoplasty?
    Is there anything that I should refrain from after my rhinoplasty (example:  Heat or sun)?
    Do I need bed rest after my rhinoplasty and for how long?
    How long before I can go back to work after my rhinoplasty?
    Do I need to wear bandages or special garments? And if so, for how long after my rhinoplasty?
    How soon can I resume my normal activities after my rhinoplasty?

Please let your rhinoplasty surgeon know all details about your medical history, previous surgery history. Medications that you are taking and any health conditions that you may present. The more your rhinoplasty surgeon knows about you, the more he or she can make an adequate assessment about your case that will also help you get the best results from your rhinoplasty.
Benefits of Rhinoplasty
The benefits of rhinoplasty can be enormous! When we improve our physical appearance, we tend to feel more confident, whether in social interactions or career paths, and this is true of both males and females. Rhinoplasty can improve a person’s overall look and how they are also perceived by others to give a stronger confidence.
Am I Eligible to Receive Rhinoplasty
As with all medical procedures, a rhinoplasty consultation with a local rhinoplasty surgeon will help you find out if you are a good rhinoplasty candidate.
Planning Your Rhinoplasty Procedure
Are you considering rhinoplasty? Make sure that all your rhinoplasty questions are answered before getting this procedure. Click on our different sections to learn more about rhinoplasty and to find rhinoplasty surgeons in your area.
When meeting with your rhinoplasty surgeon, make sure that you are aware of any pre-rhinoplasty recommendations, recovery time, care and recommendations after your rhinoplasty procedure.
What Are the Side Effects of Rhinoplasty?
Although rhinoplasty is relatively safe it does have some mild side effects. The most common side effects are temporary bruising, numbness, swelling, and a tingling sensation. Patients should ask their doctors about rhinoplasty side effects that may affect their particular situation.
Risks of Rhinoplasty
All medical procedures brings risk including rhinoplasty. A good candidate for a rhinoplasty is in good overall health and has the psychological stability to deal with the recovery period. There is often some post-op pain or discomfort, temporary bruising and swelling, some restriction on activity, and some work-time lost.
Recovery is straightforward when you get rhinoplasty if you follow surgeon’s orders
Your rhinoplasty surgeon will give you written instructions for how to care for yourself after a rhinoplasty.
Rhinoplasty Cost
The cost of rhinoplasty depends greatly on the rhinoplasty surgeon, the type of rhinoplasty performed and if the patient is getting rhinoplasty in conjunction with other procedures. Many rhinoplasty surgeons offer payment and financing plans that make the Rhinoplasty procedure affordable to everyone.
Rhinoplasty Consultation
Make sure that you go over all details about your rhinoplasty procedure with your surgeon. He or she can answer all your questions about the rhinoplasty procedure, what to expect, how long is the recovery process, what medications to take after your rhinoplasty procedure and many other details.
The initial consultation is a very important part of the Rhinoplasty process and you should try to make the most of it in order to have a successful rhinoplasty.


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