Monday, May 23, 2011

Natural Ways of Treating Dog Fleas

Natural Ways of Treating Dog Fleas
Dog Fleas
Dog fleas are quite a common problem, but you need to be aware of the perfect way outs. Here we have to point out a dog-fles1few easy ways for removing dog fleas.

•    Plunge the comb in the dishwasher liquid while brushing them; it helps to trace the fleas as well as dishwasher liquid can fight against them.

•    Prepare a mixture of water along with the apple cider vinegar (equal quantity), now spray the mixture over your dog. Apple cider vinegar is capable to keep their skin acidic, which helps to remove the dog fleas.Keep the shavings of cedar tree in the bed.

•    Garlic is also believed to be a great remedy. In the dog food add 1-2 crushed garlic. It will help to keep out the fleas as well as is able to kill them.

•    For some useful remedy you can also spread the brewer’s yeast & rub it well so that it reaches the dog skin.

•    For killing the dog fleas using the dishwashing liquids for occasional bath can give you some effective results. After applying the detergent you need to leave them for almost 5-8 minutes & then wash it thoroughly.

1 comment:

  1. The flowchart of the life cycle of dog flea shared here is so simple but informative. The solution shared here is so important for all the dog owners, especially for me who is facing a fleas problem. I do some remedies, but they not effective, I will use these tips for my dog to remove the fleas from her body and I will recommend this to my sister. Read more about: Vets in Weston
