Saturday, May 7, 2011

Coping With Flu: 10 Tips to Ease Symptoms

Coping With Flu: 10 Tips to Ease Symptoms

Coping with flu again this year? While there's no cure for flu, there are some natural and practical flu remedies you can use to ease flu symptoms. Here are some you can try today. (Keep in mind that the FDA and manufacturers now say that over-the-counter cough and cold medicines should not be given to children under 4.)

Tip #1: Stay home and get plenty of rest.
On the first day of flu symptoms, follow the rules of flu etiquette. Call your work or school and tell them you're not coming in for a few days because you're sick -- and very contagious! Then, take advantage of these first days of the flu and let your body have much-needed rest. Pull out your favorite movies, curl up on the couch, and spend the time watching DVDs while your body battles the virus.

Tip #2: Drink plenty of fluids.
Increase fluids such as water, fruit juices, sports drinks, and clear soups (like chicken soup). Fluids help keep your respiratory system hydrated and liquefy thick mucus that can build up to cause infection in your bronchial tubes.

Tip #3: Treat aches and fever so you feel comfortable.
Got fever? Fever is a flu symptom and occurs when your body temperature rises to fight off infection (in this case, the flu virus).

Treat fever and aches with over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin), or naproxen (Aleve or Naprosyn).

Aspirin should never be given to children and adults younger than 20 years old with symptoms of flu or cold because it is associated with a condition known as Reye's syndrome, a very serious illness that damages the brain and liver.

Tip #4: Use cough suppressants and expectorants to treat the cough.
Over-the-counter cough remedies are available to suppress cough. There are also over-the-counter expectorants that liquefy thick mucus so it can be coughed up. There is some disagreement among doctors about how well these cough medicines work.

Tip #5: Use steam inhalations.
Fill the bathroom sink with steaming water. Add 1 teaspoon of the over-the-counter ointment Vicks VapoRub to the steaming water, and then breathe in the steam for several minutes until you get relief. Another alternative is to add a few drops of oil of eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) or menthol to the water. Eucalyptus opens up bronchial tubes, eases congestion, and makes breathing easier.

Tip #6: Sit in a steamy bathroom.
If you are still congested, sit in a bathroom with the door closed and allow the shower to run hot until the room fills with moist steam. Inhaling the moisture can help to open your airways. Make sure you sit away from the hot shower so you do not get burned by the water.

Tip #7: Eat hot chicken soup ... then spice it up some.
Hot chicken soup is a potent mucus stimulant, especially when it's loaded with pepper, garlic, hot curry powder, or other pungent spice that helps to thin mucus in the mouth, throat, and lungs. Add a few drops of hot sauce to your soup to open your sinuses and improve breathing.

Tip #8: Run the humidifier.
If the air is dry, a warm mist humidifier or vaporizer can moisten the air and help ease congestion and coughing. Be sure to keep the humidifier clean, however, to prevent the growth of bacteria and molds.

Tip #9: Try soothing lozenges.
Sucking on soothing lozenges will help to moisten and coat your scratchy throat and reduce the cough associated with flu.

Tip #10: Try saline (salt water) nasal drops.
Saline nose drops are available over-the-counter at any drug or grocery store and are effective, safe, and nonirritating, even for children. Put several drops into one nostril, and then gently blow the mucus and saline out of that nostril. Repeat the process in the opposite nostril until both are running clear.
When Should I Call The Doctor About an Antiviral Flu Drug?

Flu drugs are taken at the onset of flu. These flu drugs may help decrease the severity and duration of flu symptoms.

The CDC recommends Relenza and Tamiflu. Relenza and Tamiflu are most effective when given within 48 hours of the onset of illness. These flu medications can decrease the duration of the flu by one day if used within this early time period. They are usually given for a period of about five days. They are also sometimes used to help prevent the flu in someone exposed to another person with the flu.

In addition, call your doctor if you have any of the following symptoms:

* Earache or drainage from your ear
* Pain in your face or forehead along with thick yellow or green mucus for more than a week
* Temperature higher than 102 degrees
* Shortness of breath
* Hoarseness, sore throat, or a cough that will not go away
* Wheezing

What about taking an antibiotic? Would that relieve my symptoms?

Antibiotics only work against infections caused by bacteria. The flu is a viral infection, and antibiotics don't treat viruses.

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