Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ayurvedic cure (Recipes) for High Blood Pressure

Ayurvedic cure (Recipes) for High Blood Pressure
 Recipe No.1:
Tulasi leaves powder : 100gm (Dry in shade and grind to powder)
Curry leaves powder : 100gm (Dry in shade and grind to powder)
Pudina(mint) leaves powder : 100gm (Dry in shade and grind to powder)
Jeera (cumin seeds) powder : 50gm (Fry and powder)
Dhania(Coriander) : 50gm (Fry and powder)
Mix all powders and store
½ to 1 tsp. with water ½ hour before food for 40 days.
Heat reduces, impurities get eliminated from blood. Pitta problems are reduced. BP is controlled.

Recipe No.2:

Yoga and food precautions:
1.Dhyana(meditate) in Padmasan. Visualise family God in the Hridaya chakra.
2.Avoid Gutka, tobacco, alchohol, tea, chilly, salt (minimize)
3.Reduce green chilly usage and substitute with pepper.
4.Usage of ginger and garlic should be increased
5.Use old tamarind
6.Use tamarind leaves powder
7.Avoid masala and meat
8.Chandra bedhi Praanaayaam
9.Seethali Praanaayaam
10.Seethkari Praanaayaam

Recipe No.3:
Prepare upma of wheat ravva, moong dal, all vegetables, aaku patri along with mustard oil with ginger , jeera and saindha lavana.
The boiling of blood reduces and BP reduced.

Recipe No.4:
Mix curry leaves pepper powder and Neem leaves (tender) leaves powder and take half to one spoon with water.
Blood clotting can be prevented, waste material in blood is thrown out.

Recipe No.5:
Pound together Podina leaves + Curry leaves + Dhania leaves (coriander leaves) take in equal proportion and extract juice.
Add equal weight of candy sugar and boil it till thread paak is obtained.
2sp. Morning and evening with cold water (1/2 glass)
Can add jeera and dhania to above.

Recipe No.6:
Guiddiness comes due to excess heat in brain for BP patients. Pitta increases in liver and leads to guiddiness.
Apply Ayurvedic hair oil to head regularly.
Use sesame oil or Agastya tailam or Ayurveda Prajaraksha tailam.
Massage oil on the scalp, on the left and right parts of throat in circular manner. As the oil soaks into head guiddiness decreases.
Do Chandrabedhana Praanaayaam

Recipe No.7:
Dry Amla(indian gooseberry) pieces: 5 or 6
Crushed dhania: 1 spoon
Water :150gms.
Mix all the above and store it in a mud vessel overnight. Filter in early in the morning, add 1 table spoon candy sugar powder and drink.
1.Guiddiness is relieved within one week.
2.Excess heat in head decreases


  1. First of all, drink lots of water daily which keeps you active and energetic. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables daily. Leave the saturated and starch full food. Use low cholesterol oil like olive oil and canola oils and finally stop smoking. Start exercising on the daily basis at least for half an hour. Hypertensive patients must adhere to the recommended healthy eating plan in order to avoid the risks of further complications. Proven and effective High Blood Pressure Treatment naturally.

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