Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Asthma is one of the most common lung diseases that affect not only children but adults too.  You always have Asthma but when your lungs get irritated by something is when you have an asthma attack.  Some signs and symptoms of Asthma are breathlessness, wheezing, chest stiffness, and coughing.  Here are 10 things about asthma that will help educate you more on this respiratory lung disease.

   1. Asthma can be genetic, so if someone in your family has it there is a very good chance you or someone else may also acquire this disease.
   2. Some things that may increase the risk of having an asthma attack are dust mites in your house, tobacco smoke, try to avoid air pollutions such as car smoke, pets and mold.  All these things are called Asthma Triggers.

 3. These triggers cause bronchoconstriction, which is the squeezing of air passages in the lungs, and also cause an increase of mucus build up which also makes it harder to breath.
   4. NSAIDS provoke asthma in some people.  A type of NSAID that would provoke Asthma would be Aspirin. 

 5. Many serious symptoms come along with asthma such as death, coughing consistently, trouble breathing, loss of sleep
   6. Some things that may reduce symptoms of asthma are removing carpets in rooms and vacuum a lot, if you have animals try and keep them out of the bedrooms, cover bedding to decrease contact with dust mites. 

7. If you think you might have asthma, contact a doctor right away.
   8. Twenty million people in America have asthma, six million are children.
   9. In 2025 researchers estimate that about one hundred million more people will have this disease.
  10. The type of treatment you get all depend on certain variables such as, age, the symptoms, and the asthma triggers. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing useful post. Asthma is a common condition which leads to breathing difficulty, coughing, and wheezing. It is caused by a combination of spasm of the small airways of the lung and inflammation, both of which impair the ability of the lungs to exchange air. There are some natural herbal supplements. They help to strengthen the lungs and keep breathing normal. They reduce vulnerability to flu and other respiratory symptoms, such as coughing, wheezing, and general body weakness. visit http://www.hashmidawakhana.org/natural-asthma-relief.html
